[Osta-board] Retreat

Lynda sandsciosta at charter.net
Sun Jan 31 19:41:48 PST 2010

I want to say thank you to everyone.  You worked very hard this weekend and I think we have made some great progress.  

Please get your bios to Marj as soon as possible.  Thank you Marj for taking that on.

Here are the dates to put on your calendar:
March 17 - Leslie Middle School (If that works for you Mike.)
June 5 (only primary conference people - others can Skype in) - Colton
Sept 18 - Colton
Oct 7 5:00 Set-up for conference
Oct 8 Conference
November 6 - OHSU - Virtual Meeting if necessary - Tours of OHSU
January 21-23 - Annual Retreat at Menucha

I will get more out to everyone later this week.

Thank you again for all the hard work this weekend.

Lynda Sanders
OSTA President
NBC Early Adolescent Science

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