[Osta-board] RE: Request for information

KLECKNER Cheryl cheryl.kleckner at state.or.us
Thu Jan 12 15:30:06 PST 2012

Hi Lori and Board,

I will be at the Board Retreat and will provide an update on the Oregon STEM Education Initiative<http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=382> to follow up on the information that I shared with the OSTA Board at the last board meeting.  I will also share information on the ongoing work being led by Achieve to develop the Next Generation Science Standards in which Oregon is a Lead State.

Rachel and I will be car pooling to the retreat and plan on meeting with you on Saturday morning, if that works on the agenda.  Look forward to seeing you all at the retreat.

Best regards,

Cheryl Kleckner
Education Specialist | CCSS<http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/commoncore> | Science<http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=22>  | Board of Directors | Council of State Science Supervisors<http://www.csss-science.org/>
Oregon Department of Education<http://www.ode.state.or.us/> |255 Capitol Street NE | Salem, OR 97310 | Fax: 503.378.5156
Office: 503.947.5794 | Cell: 503.507.9037 | cheryl.kleckner at state.or.us<mailto:cheryl.kleckner at state.or.us>

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From: osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org [mailto:osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org] On Behalf Of Lori Lancaster
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 9:55 AM
To: William Becker; Melissa Dubois
Cc: osta-board at maillist.peak.org
Subject: [Osta-board] RE: Request for information

Bill & Melissa,

Thank you for this information.  I did read through it and am amazed at what is going on with respect to STEM education in Portland and to the west.  I am equally amazed that this program doesn't seem to be well-publicized.

That's what I think OSTA can do.

It is important that other science educators, and more importantly administrators, around the state be aware that there are programs and districts that are investing in STEM education.

OSTA's means of communication to its members are:
1. The Oregon Science Teacher (TOST).  This print journal is mailed to members 5 times per year.
2. e-TOST.  This is an electronic notification of time-sensitive opportunities (workshops, grant opportunities, etc) available to teachers.
3. Fall Conference on the State-wide Inservice day in October.  This years' conference (2012) is at Leslie Middle School in Salem. The 2013 conference will be the NSTA regional at the Portland Convention Center.  The 2014 conference will be at Centennial High School in Gresham.

Do you think administrators of the STEM Education Partnership could communicate with science educators around the state? Could you present at the conference, or write articles for TOST? Your program represents a powerful model for improvement in STEM education. I think it would be beneficial to your program, to OSTA, and to science educators in this state if we find ways to advocate and spread the word.

The National Research Council's Next Generation Science Standards will roll out in the next year or so. What's more, the Federal ESEA reauthorization has some specific STEM directives. I think there is an opportunity here.

The OSTA winter retreat is January 20-22 at Menucha in Corbett, OR.  Would either or both of you be available to come to speak to the Board during that time?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Lori Lancaster, MST
Chemistry Teacher, Centennial High School
OSTA President-Elect
Gresham, OR
503.762.6180 x5555
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the precipitate!
From: William Becker [i8wb at pdx.edu]
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 9:40 PM
To: Lori Lancaster; Melissa Dubois
Subject: Re: Request for information
Lori, It's good to hear from you. Yes, I would be happy to discuss with you our work on the Portland Metro STEM Partnership and the Oregon STEM Education Partnership.

I want to introduce you to my research associate and partner in crime Melissa Dubois. Melissa can provide you with answers to many of your questions.

I am sending you a draft copy of our STEM education partnership business plan that will give you a good overview of our partnership design.

After you review our business plan I am sure you will have specific questions that we can answer. I look forward to these discussions.

Also, your will want to set aside April 19-20 2012 in your calendar to attend the 2nd Annual STEMposium at Intel Jones Farm Conference Center in Hillsboro. We are targeting this event as our launch for our Portland Metro STEM Center.

Best Regards --- Bill

On 12/4/11 4:47 PM, Lori Lancaster wrote:
Hi Bill,

In my new position as OSTA President-elect, I was invited to participate in a NSTA Regional retreat on Wednesday in Seattle in conjunction with the NSTA Regional Conference.  They are gathering information about issues/concerns regarding STEM education in the region.  They are calling it Boosters & Barriers: Celebrations & Challenges.

They are hoping to gain some insight as to what kinds of professional development opportunities they could develop as the next generation science standards are being rolled out in the next year or so.

I know that administrative support for science education varies greatly from district to district.  I was hoping you could give me some information regarding your partnership with Beaverton and Portland school districts.  What exactly is CSE providing and how is it working?  I am presuming you are gathering data to determine the effectiveness of your work in this area.

Any information you could give me would be helpful.

I am also wondering what I could do as OSTA President in conjunction with CSE to help promote science or STEM education in Oregon. Any ideas that you have in this area would be most helpful.

I would really appreciate any suggestions you might have.


Lori Lancaster, MST
Chemistry Teacher, Centennial High School
Gresham, OR
503.762.6180 x5555
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the precipitate!

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