[Osta-board] 2013- Western Conference Recommendations

Lynda Sanders LyndaS at coos-bay.k12.or.us
Wed Jan 25 11:43:41 PST 2012

Yes, I still need bios from you, Bruce and Moe.  I think I have everyone else's.  Thought I sent a reminder but it might have slipped my mind.  I really need them by the weekend so I can send the final information to Delores.

Lynda Sanders
NBCT Early Adolescent Science
Marshfield HS (8-12), Coos Bay

-----Original Message-----
From: osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org [mailto:osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org] On Behalf Of Leeper, Sherri
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 11:48 AM
To: bcarlsen; Lynda; mike rockow; lancaster.ld at gmail.com; osta-board
Subject: RE: [Osta-board] 2013- Western Conference Recommendations

Lori had mentioned needed a quick bio from those of us that are up for consideration in the NSTA conference...is that still true?  And if so, when are they needed by?

-----Original Message-----
From: osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org [mailto:osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org] On Behalf Of bcarlsen
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 11:12 AM
To: Lynda; mike rockow; lancaster.ld at gmail.com; osta-board
Subject: [Osta-board] 2013- Western Conference Recommendations

Hi Lori, Lynda, Mike, Sue, Allan, Sherri, and fellow board members,

      Here is the preliminary reply that I sent back to Delores Howard regarding the ideas that we discussed at Menucha.

      Lynda will be sending in a more detailed description of our discussions.  This preliminary report does not contain any of the reasons for these choices, it merely shows that OSTA is serious about being involved asap in making the western regional a success.

      Please continue your thoughts and discussions regarding Strands, as well as the people to be recommended.  "Bridges over Troubled  
Waters" might refer to this week's gatherings at the Salem Capitol.   
(or to the sandbags surrounding the capitol buildings!!! ;-)

      Thank you for your enthusiasm at Menucha!    Peace and  
friendship,  Bernie

----- Forwarded message from bcarlsen at reed.edu -----
     Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 23:59:44 -0800
     From: bcarlsen <bcarlsen at reed.edu>
  Subject: Re: 2013- Western Conference Recommendations
       To: Delores Howard <dhoward at nsta.org>

Good morning, Delores,

     The OSTA Executive Board had a spirited retreat up in the ice and rain of the Columbia Gorge this past weekend and came up with these recommendations for the 2013 NSTA Western Regional conference in

      Conference Theme:   BRIDGES TO THE FUTURE:
      Strands:            Bridges to Literacy, Bridges to STEM,  
Bridges to the Next Generation Science Standards

      Conference Chair:  Lynda Sanders <sandsciosta at charter.net>
      Program Chair:     Michael Rockow <rockow42 at q.com>
      Local Arrangements:Lori Lancaster <lancaster.ld at gmail.com>

      Program representatives:
         1. Brian Teppner  -  Incoming WSTA Pres
         2. Sue McWilliams -  <smcw at bendcable.com>
         3. Jodie Harnden  -  <jharnden at hotmail.com>
         4. Bruce Reiter    - <BEReiter at comcast.net>
         5. Diana Gordon  -   <gordondi at ohsu.edu>

      Other possibilities for the Program Committee included:
         1.  (from Washington) - Midge Yergen <yergenm at wvsd208.org>, JoLynne Roberts <JoLynne.Roberts at camas.wednet.edu>, John Parker <parkerjg at puyallup.k12.wa.us>, and John Galliher
         2. Jennifer Thompson <jenjuneau at aol.com>
         3. Sherri Leeper <sleeper at scappoose.k12.or.us>
         4. Moe Daschel <maureen.daschel at stmaryspdx.org>
         5. Bill Becker - Center for Science Education at Portland State University

      Under Local Arrangements:
        Exhibits Liaison ;  Bernie Carlsen <bcarlsen at reed.edu>
        Field Trips Manager: Diana Gordon - OHSU/Primate Center
        Guides Manager - the science department at Benson High
        Services for People with Disabilities:  Wally DeVries - Cleveland HS
        Publicity Manager: Staff people at Oregon Convention Center
        Volunteers Manager;  Paul Zastrow <pzastrow at gorge.net>

         A good deal of thought and discussion went into these recommendations, Delores.  You should be receiving a similar email from our OSTA President, Lynda Sanders <sandsciosta at charter.net>, that may discuss these recommendations in more detail.  (ie. Portland is the "City of Bridges"  ;-)

         Most importantly, you should see the seriousness and the conscientious efforts that OSTA will be putting forth to help make this Western Regional Conference a success.

         Thank you for all that you do!

            Peace and friendship,  Bernie Carlsen  OSTA Executive Director

> Hello my Friends!-
> As you are likely aware, an NSTA conference will be held in your 
> state/area during the 2013-2014 academic school year:

----- End forwarded message -----

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