[White-water] Sunday's Flatwater Paddle

Al Grapel algrapel at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 19 03:22:34 PDT 2007


The flat-water trip on Sunday will be on Tahkenitch Lake if the wind isn't forecast to be more than 20 knots, or Ten Mile Creek if it is.  The trip is suitable for sea kayaks, fast canoes, and other fast craft (standard recreational kayaks or inflatables will probably be too slow).

We'll meet in the western-most parking lot at WalMart in Eugene Sunday at 9:30.  WalMart is at the south end of the Belt Line (west off 99 at Jerry's).  You'll see it across the street to the left where the Belt Line ends.  Please give me a call if you plan on coming and let me know what kind of boat you'll be in and your paddling experience.  If you have any questions, give a call 541-687-5720.

Thanks,    Al

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