[Osta-board] Next Week

Carolyn Clontz cclontz at bendbroadband.com
Tue Oct 4 02:18:55 PDT 2011

I know that this will not be pertinent to all of you but I don't want to
miss informing those who may need to know. I am leaving for Sacramento,
California Sunday to visit family and will be going to the conference
straight from there, not returning home. Please do not send any mail
concerning the conference to my home address after Thursday. I'm taking my
computer with me so will be able to check emails and, hopefully, be able to
respond. I will continue to monitor online registrations and pay pal
payments. Please bring anything to the conference that you have for me if
you can't meet the Thursday mailing deadline.  


I will bring a stack of green reimbursement forms to the conference for you
to fill out if you need reimbursement for conference expenses. I will also
have the check ledger with me. I will be in the exhibit hall at the Delta
Education table most of the day if you want to turn in reimbursement forms
that day. 


Please remember that OSTA does not pay the usual expenses such as gas and
lodging for your attendance at the conference.  


Looking forward to seeing you all the 14th. 


Carolyn Clontz

"Understanding that we control our own destiny 

is key to our success in life. Simply put, when we 

decide how we want our life to be we must take 

responsibility and move forward."

~Mac Anderson


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