[Osta-board] Exploding Flour Volcano Instructions

bcarlsen bcarlsen at reed.edu
Mon Jun 18 15:59:31 PDT 2012

Hi board members,

       Here's a fun one to try now that school is out!  "Kitchen 
science"???  ;-)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: OSTA Listserv:  Exploding Flour Volcano Instructions
Date: 6/18/12 3:13 PM
 From: Liz Westby <lwestby at usgs.gov>
To: sandsciosta at charter.net
Cc: bcarlsen at reed.edu, Carolyn L Driedger <driedger at usgs.gov>

Ms. Sanders,

Here at the U.S. Geological Survey - Cascades Volcano Observatory, we
have been working on instructions for a do-it-yourself, exploding flour
volcano for the classroom. The volcano is made from pvc pipe and other
plumbing materials. Flour and bird seed are put into a "magma chamber"
and the device is pressurized with a bicycle pump. Once the lever is
released, the volcano "erupts!"

We have attached detailed instructions and need OSTA's help. Would you
post the document on the OSTA listserv? We are seeking feedback on the
instructions as well as any other ideas to make this an informative and
useful teaching activity.

For those who provide feedback, we will list the names in the final
report, which will be available on the internet.

Thank you for your assistance.


Liz Westby

Carolyn Driedger
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