[Osta-board] Survey of state of science in Oregon

Byerley, Andrew byerleya at hsd.k12.or.us
Fri Mar 2 15:13:17 PST 2018

Hi all,

Leah, I think this is a great idea. We all know that data speaks volumes right now, and the clearer the picture of the current state of science education in Oregon, the better. I don't have the bandwidth to help create the survey right now, but I would be happy to be a reviewer if that would be helpful. I wonder if there's a network through CSSS that has already done a survey of this nature...?

Thanks for bringing this to the Board!


From: Osta-board <osta-board-bounces at maillist.peak.org> on behalf of TOST Editor <tost at oregonscience.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:11:34 AM
To: Osta-board at maillist.peak.org
Subject: [Osta-board] Survey of state of science in Oregon

Hello OSTA board members,
Our next issue of TOST features an article written by a classroom teacher about her experience teaching science with reduced district support this year. The topic got me thinking - is there data about the state of science instruction in Oregon, or plans to collect such data, that you are aware of? I have seen the statistic of the low science minutes in elementary, but there's more I'm interested in finding out. In California, we had a detailed report<https://www.wested.org/resources/high-hopes-mdash-few-opportunities-full-report-the-status-of-elementary-science-education-in-california/> that described the state of elementary science instruction which proved very helpful in my work as a district TOSA. As we face decreased funding for science professional development in Oregon, and simultaneously transition towards NGSS implementation and assessment, this information could be helpful for advocacy work, and could also inform how we choose to use our limited OSTA resources.

Is this something that you would support? If so, I'd also be interested in reaching out to Jamie Rumage and the Oregon Science Leaders to see if we could get support in getting the word out, and analyzing the data. And, of course, I'd love your help in drafting the survey itself.

I would love to hear your thoughts!
-Leah Plack
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